As I indicated below, the how of local government is much more important that it is often given credit. Public services can be delivered to the public or they can be delivered with the public. 'With' means partnership, co-design, and co-production.
But of course, what you do is critical. But often when people think of the 'what' they think only of the announcement or the policy or the service being delivered. This isn't really the 'what'.
The 'what' of all government, including local government, are outcomes. In other words it often happens that local and national government showcase shiny new policies and services (hurrah) with good intentions about these making a difference to people's lives. But... (and it is a big, long and loud but...) there is then precious little measure of whether these intended differences (the outcomes) do in fact happen.
The only real measure of whether a policy or service is working is the lasting impact on the lives of citizens - the outcomes. Sadly these outcomes are rarely measured properly and scientifically. In fact they are often not measured at all.
For example, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has today announced in his budget a £19 million package in the budget to tackle domestic abuse amid soaring incidents in lockdown. In vastly overstretched services for women suffering such violence, this money will be welcomed. But, what is it designed to achieve: how will it reduce the problem, how will the women affected be helped in the short and long term? Will we see a reduction in such abuse? Or is this money merely papering over the cracks. I don't know. But I what I suspect is that the long term outcomes of this investment will not be properly assessed.
Likewise, Buckinghamshire County needs a far greater focus on evaluation and the measurement of outcomes. Indeed, in my view, it needs to think about outcomes far more when it comes to using its resources for the good of the County's residents.
This outcome focus is something I would aim to boost as your councillor. True Value for Money can only be measured when outcome thinking infuses all fiscal decisions and council services delivery.
it's about more than just counting the beans...
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