Index post: policies, principles, background

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Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Shocking increases in Management Fees

For a long time, I have been very concerned about how many new residents of our area are having to pay management fees on top of their ordinary council taxes. Residents on the new Moreton Road estates for example have to pay for grass cutting and play areas while residents elsewhere in the town get similar services as part of their council tax. As the new residents still have to pay their usual council tax, this is a form of double taxation as it is called. I think it is wrong just on that basis. 

More than this, these schemes are socially divisive. For example the Clarence Park estate residents pay towards the upkeep of the play space next to the river. This area will soon be used by the residents of the newer estate that is nearing completion, who won't be paying towards towards the upkeep. Unsurprisingly some of the residents of the older estate are fed up about this and I fear this is a matter which could become divisive. 

And then... on top of all this, it would seem these management companies are just exploiting the situation where they can increase the charges with impunity. There is no accountability or transparency. This cannot be right for public spaces, can it? 

Here is one example of the increases in the last year for one management company's fees. And as you can see, I have already raised this with our MP.

Once elected as your councillor, I will be doing everything in my power to sort this matter out. It will probably take some national legislative change. But there is much that can be done now by both the Buckinghamshire and Buckingham Town Councils.

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